Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to School

Every so often, Vintage Hem gets emails that catch my attention! One in particular was from Tori at college in Hawaii! Her school has a dress code and they do not budge on hem lengths. I know that situation all too well from personal experience! I went to that same school here in Utah and I was presented with a yellow honor code violation before an exam at the testing center. Lets just say, getting humiliated in public is not the way to prep for a test. I sobbed my little heart out that my dress did not appear long enough to a snarky student employee. She was all too excited to have a little authority. Ill admit my long legs could have used a Vintage Hem but by no means was I walking around campus in a mini dress fit for Vegas! I am glad to see that my little hems can empower other studious girls to cover those offensive knees at their religious schools! I am even happier to see my Eyefull of Lace is getting a delicious education in gorgeous Hawaii embellishing Tori's hemline! Hope all you girls have a great semester!


Diane said...

Very cute!

Fashion Belle said...

Hi Girls at Vintage Hem!

We love love love your products. You've been featured in quite a number of places at our new modest clothing shopping website, Fashion Belle. In fact, you're in so many places you may have to use the search tool at the top of our site to find them all. We've listed your blog, your company, and your company with other companies whose hems need some extra length. Thanks for your excellent work, and please continue!

See the site: